Choose ento-frass for a sustainable agriculture

Ento-frass is a 100% organic fertilizer approved for organic agriculture. It contains active molecules and microorganisms that support plant health, making it an excellent tool for sustainable agricultural practices.

Jeune plant de tomate nourris à l'engrais Entofrass

Ento-frass in a nutshell

Our organic fertilizer boosts the soil with nutrients and beneficial microorganisms, increasing its fertility
and biodiversity. Healthy soil promotes better resilience in your crops and leads to higher yields while reducing dependency on synthetic products.

Cueillette de légumes organiques
Plantation en serre à l'aide d'engrais Entofrass

Key attributes

  • Économie circulaire durable organique

    Circular economy in action

    Ento-frass embodies sustainable innovation by reusing organic resources to create a soil fertilizer solution that is eco-friendly and renewable. This fertilizer actively contributes to the circular economy and waste reduction efforts.

  • Améliore la santé des sols enrichit nutriments essentiels et microorganismes structure et fertilité

    Improves soil health

    Ento-frass boosts soils with essential nutrients and microorganisms, improving their structure and fertility, resulting in healthier plants and higher yields.

  • chitine molécule biostimulant

    Contains Chitin

    A natural component of insects exoskeleton, chitin is recognized for its biostimulant properties in plants.

  • Certification OMRI produits prêts listé approuvé au Canada

    Approved for organic agriculture in Canada

    Certified for use in organic agriculture according to Canadian standards, thus contributing to the development of sustainable and environmentally friendly farms.


Enhances overall plant health and increases yields while promoting sustainable practices.

  • Simple et efficace engrais ento-frass

    Simple and effective

    Ento-frass is a fully dry all-purpose product that ensures easy handling and seamless integration into your soils, promoting simple and effective use.

  • Moins d'odeur engrais fertilisant sans odeur moins odorant privé

    Less odours

    Often compared to chicken manure but much less odorous, it is highly favored by users.

  • Monde globe bon pour l'environnement écosystème sain

    Environmentally friendly

    By choosing ento-frass, you contribute to a healthier ecosystem, reducing dependence on synthetic fertilizers and enhancing soil quality sustainably.

  • Plante santé des sols restaure microorganismes bénéfiques

    Restores soil health

    With over 400 species of beneficial microorganisms, ento-frass enhances soil health and fertility.

  • source de nutriments plante feuille engrais essentiels croissance

    Nutrient source

    Ento-Frass provides a balanced source of essential nutrients for plant growth while promoting nutrient availability.

  • Sécuritaire rigoureux contrôlé sécurité tranquillité d'esprit agricole


    Our product is rigorously tested to ensure user safety, offering exceptional peace of mind for your farming practices, lawns and green spaces.

Types of use

Take a step in the right direction.
Ento-frass adapts to various crops.

  1. Ento-frass can be used in various ways in the field to improve plant health and
    promote soil fertility :

    • Pre-seeding incorporation into the soil
    • Band application on a growing crop
    • Application through soil irrigation or foliar spraying of a "frass tea" solution
  2. Use ento-frass in greenhouse cultivation for a healthy and productive growing environment :

    • Use as an organic fertilizer or soil amendment
    • Incorporate into growing media when sowing or transplanting plants
    • Application through irrigation or foliar spraying of a "frass tea" solution
  3. Ento-frass is an all-purpose, versatile product that can adapt to various farming practices. Its use reduces
    dependency on synthetic products, promoting sustainable agricultural practices that benefit the ecosystem


Price per metric ton based on purchasing potential per year

  1. < 15 t/year
    900 $/t
  2. 15-59 t/year
    850 $/t
  3. 60-249 t/year
    800 $/t
  4. 250-499 t/year
    750 $/t
  5. 500-999 t/year
    700 $/t
  6. 1000+ t/year
    650 $/t

1 unit = 1 tote of 900 kg on a pallet

Minimum purchase quantity: 1 unit. Prices are EXW Drummondville, QC and in CAD $.

Serre avec légumes

About entosystem

For the past 8 years, we have been investing in research and development with the goal of transforming 90,000 tons of food waste each year.

Engrais ento-frass insectes
Mouche Soldat noir engrais ento-frass

Our purpose

Unleashing the superpowers of insects to
shape a sustainable and responsible food system.

Our ambishion

To become the benchmark for integrating insect
proteins and their by-products into the core of
the food system.